Registration of Statutory Auditors from EU

Act on Auditors

Section 10
Auditors from Other Members States and Free Provision of Services

  1. Audit activities pursuant to the present Act may be performed on the territory of the Czech Republic also by natural persons authorised to perform statutory audits in any other Member State or in Swiss Confederation, under the terms and conditions as stipulated in the present Act. The Chamber shall issue such natural person with his or her Auditor’s Licence under the terms and conditions as stipulated in the present Act.

  2. For the purposes of recognising qualifications, applications for the performance of audit activities on the territory of the Czech Republic submitted by such natural persons as described in subsection 1 shall be governed by the relevant act governing the recognising of qualifications13). The Chamber shall act in the capacity of the authority in charge recognising qualifications.

  3. Natural persons pursuant to subsection 1 shall be required, by way of a compensation measure, to pass differential examinations, unless capable of evidencing with documents of formal qualification that they posses knowledge of all areas as described in Section 8. As a rule, differential examinations shall be held in the Czech language.

  4. Audit activities, with the exception of statutory audits, may be performed on the territory of the Czech Republic temporarily or occasionally also by natural persons pursuant to subsection 1 subject to a written notification of their intention to perform such activity on the territory of the Czech Republic delivered to the Chamber prior to commencing such temporary or occasional auditors activity.

  5. Notifications pursuant to subsection 4 shall contain the following information:
    a) name and surname of the auditor;
    b) address for delivery of documents on the territory of the Czech Republic;
    c) a copy of documents evidencing formal qualifications for the performance of audit activities;
    d) type of audit activities intended to be performed;
    e) place of performance of audit activities; and
    f) presumed duration of the performance of audit activities.

  6. The Chamber may verify such professional qualifications of persons authorised to perform audit activities pursuant to subsections 1 and 4 in respect of reviews of economic management of autonomous territorial units and voluntary unions of communities pursuant to another piece of legisaltion6); this activity shall be governed by the relevant act on the acknowledgement of qualifications13).

  7. The Chamber shall keep records of persons authorised to perform audit activities pursuant to subsection 4. The records shall contain information pursuant to subsection 5. The record keeping shall be governed by analogy by the provisions governing the keeping of the List of Auditors

6)  Act No. 420/2004 Coll., on reviews of economic management of autonomous territorial units and voluntary unions of communities, as amended by further legislation.

13) Act No. 18/2004 Coll., on recognising professional qualifications and other qualifications of the citizens of the Member State of the European Union, and amending certain other legislation, as amended by further legislation.