Governance and Organization


The supreme governing body of the Chamber, convened at least biannually. From among its ranks, it elects members of bodies that govern and supervise the Chamber´s activities in the period between Assembly meetings. The mutually independent, elected Chamber bodies are the Executive Committee, Supervisory Committee and Disciplinary Committee.

Supervisory Committee

The Chamber´s Supervisory Committee has 11 members, and its acitivies are governed by the Supervisory Rules. It oversees the quality of auditors´ work, compliance with the Act on Auditors and other legislation, and with the Chamber´s internal regulations, including execution of Assembly resolutions.

Executive Committee

The supreme, 14-member executive body of the Chamber of Auditors. It governs the Chamber during the period between Assembly meetings. Its powers are stipulated by the Act on Auditors, the Assembly, the Charter and other internal regulations. The Executive Committee elects from among its members a president, who is also the Chamber´s statutory representative, a first vice-president and a vice-president, and it appoints the director of the Office of the Chamber. The subsidiary bodies of the Executive Committee are specialised committees and working groups.

Disciplinary Committee

This seven-member committee conducts disciplinary proceedings in accordance with the law and the Chamber´s disciplinary code. It rules on whether an auditor is in breach of duties stipulated by law, auditing directives or the Chamber´s internal regulations. It has the authority to impose disciplinary sanctions pursuant to the Act on Auditors.


The Presidium, composed of the president, the first vice-president and the vice-president, holds meetings during the period between sessions of the Executive Committee, attended also by the director of the Office. Its task is operational management of the Chamber. It prepares the Executive Committee agenda and directs and supervises Office operations.
Members of the Presidium:
Mr Ladislav Mejzlík - President
Mr Milan Bláha - First Vice-President
Ms Hana Mužátková - Vice-President


The Office fulfils the Chamber´s administrative tasks. It is managed by its director and it consists of the secretariat and the following departments: records of auditors, audit examinations, public relations, educational department, technical department for accounting and audit, supervision of auditors´ work, and operations and financial department.

Subsidiary bodies

Each elected body is authorised to establish subsidiary bodies. The following subsidiary bodies or committees have been established by the Executive Committee.

Committee for Administration of the Profession

On the basis of legally mandated formalities, the Committee registers applicants in the list of auditors, audit firms and assistant auditors, and registers auditors from EU Member States and third countries. It supervises the professional experience of assistant auditors and the payment of dues by auditors to fund the Chamber´s activities. It deals with issues of the auditing profession and ethics.

Audit Examination Committee

The committee has two departments:

  • the examination department prepares and guarantees the content of individual parts of the audit examination, compiles study materials for preparation of applicants for testing, waives parts of the audit examination, and nominates examination commissioners;
  • the education department guarantees the content of educational cources for preparation for audit examinations.

Continuous Professional Education Committee

The committee prepares topics and curricula for education of auditors and the professional community, proposes qualified instructors, and participates in organising professional conferences.

Regulation and Professional Development Committee

The committee works on long-term visions for the auditing profession, support for new activities of auditors and development of non-auditing services. It provides comments on selected draft legislation and drafts the Chamber’s internal regulations and directives.

Technical Committee

The committee engages in current issues of audit methodology, provides interpretations of auditing standards for the needs of auditors, and developes application clauses for International Standards on Auditing. It also participates in training comprising audit methodology and takes part in review proceedings for audit materials. The committee chair represents the Chamber at regular meetings of the FEE Auditing Working Party.

Translations Board

The board guarantees the technical accuracy of translations of international regulations in the area of quality control, audit, review, other assurance and related services, issued by the IFAC, and translations of other foreign documents in the field of audit methodology. The editorial board has 10 members, including representatives of large and medium audit firms and the academia.

Financial Reporting Committee

The committee deals with accounting methods for the business sector, monitors drafts of and amendments to national standards and draft interpretations of Czech regulations issued by the National Accounting Board, on which the committee has a representative. It participates in review proceedings (together with the financial institutions subcommittee), including reviews of regulations for financial institutions. It generates output in the form of comments and opinions.

Committee for Entering the Profession

It deals with the process that everyone who wants to become an auditor goes through and what the process should be like. Its agenda includes, in particular, practical training of assistant auditors, the attractiveness of the profession for young people or the updating of auditor requirements in the digital society. The members of the committee were selected in the way that the young auditors or auditors who had not yet been associated with the chamber's activities in the areas in question would have the main say. The Chamber should thus obtain the most objective and independent feedback on the given issue.

SME/SMP Committee

The committee deals with auditing profession issues concerning small and medium audit practices and companies. Its chairperson participates in meetings of the FEE Task Force for SME/SMP.

Public Sector Committee

The committee deals with the specifics of public sector entities, formulating opinions regarding the activity of auditors in that sector in relation to legislation. It participates in reviewing of draft regulations, development of auditing standards and the Chamber’s methodology manuals intended for the public sector. It also collaborates in preparation of educational projects for auditors. The committee chairperson participates in meetings of the FEE Public Sector Committee.

Public Relations Committee

The committee handles promotion and presentation of the auditing profession and of the Chamber with respect to the public, coordination of IT used by the Chamber and the content of the Chamber´s website. It designs media and publication projects, such as publishing the periodical Auditor Special, the Audit Services insert in the business newspaper Hospodářské noviny, and articles in technical journals. The committee chairperson is the Chamber´s press spokesperson.

“Auditor” Editorial Board

The editorial board manages publishing of Auditor, a journal issued 10 times a year, and is responsible for the scope and contents of both print and online editions of the publication as well as for the additional online content.